Friday, June 6, 2008

More steps forward..

Torrey continues to open his eyes and respond to basic questions.
He is moving his arms much more now, can wiggle his toes, etc.

They hope to remove the breathing tube by Sunday, and have taken some measures to get him to breathe more on his own.

His labs are starting to look better, though there is still a major concern around his white blood count, and his low-grade temperatures that occur on a near-daily basis.

His nuclear scan came back 'inconclusive'...they are simply unable to see inside well enough to know what may be lurking in his gallbladder, or confirm whether he has issues with his pancreas.
They are thinking of trying again in a few days.

They did an ultrasound of his legs today to look for any blood clots. They are not sure how they would treat them if he did have any, but at least they would know what is causing his WBC to be so high.

He had a rest from dialysis today, but will likely start up again tomorrow.

Torrey did not respond well to the nourishment they were giving him, so they've put a feeding tube through his nose that goes directly to the intestine in hopes that he responds to this better.

So, still seeing good progress.
Can't wait to be able to talk to him.

Now that he is awake, I find myself on another emotional roller coaster.
I want to make sure he is as comfortable as possible, and I notice myself bugging the nurses more about every little thing (they don't seem to mind).
I also try to make sure the doctors are not in his room when they give me the daily reminder of how sick he is, and how 'he could still go at any time'.

It has been great to be able to tell Thalia about Torrey's responses. She knew he had been 'resting' for a long time, but is still obviously unaware of the gravity of his condition.
She especially got a kick out of hearing that her daddy didn't want me in the room yesterday. We told her he was teasing me, and making funny faces at me and it was cracking her up.

Off to the hospital now for the 'night shift'. Will update tonight if there are any significant changes.

Before I sign-off, I just want to express my wholehearted gratitude once again to all of the contributions, emails, voicemails, cards, and comments you all have made this week. I apologize for not being more speedy with the thank-yous. Needless to say I am overwhelmed with emotion and gratitude at your generosity. Your love and encouragement keeps us strong.


1 comment:

Heather said...

Monica, I just spoke with Uncle Pete & he gave me the website for comments. We are so glad of the progress that Torrey has made the past few days. Ya'll have been in our thoughts & prayers every day & will continue to be.
Torrey's cousin in GA,