Monday, June 16, 2008

Sleepy Head

Father's Day was a big sleepfest for Torrey.
The Ativant (note I had misspelled it in the previous entry) was used a few more times when Torrey had respiratory trouble that they thought was due to anxiety issues.

It has stayed in his body for too long and built up, causing him to be very sleep.
They have discovered more internal bleeding which they believe is a result of his tube feedings. So, they've put that off for now to see if it clears up.

The doctors are concerned about his sleepiness so they've discontinued the Ativant and are considering alternatives for when he wakes up again in case he has more breathing trouble.

He seems comfortable, though.

They are considering a tracheotomy later this week to get him off the breathing tube. It would obviously be temporary, and would make breathing much easier for him. It will also likely make him less prone to panic attacks. Eventually, he could eat real food around it. It is very risky in his condition to insert such a tube, but so far any invasive procedures they have done on him as not resulted in excessive bleeding, so we feel confident it would be a good course of action. He would also be able to speak with it, which would be a huge milestone.

We are leaving now for his 'good night' visit. Will update the blog if there are any significant updates.

Happy Monday,

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