Friday, June 20, 2008

Ending Week Four

Torrey was extremely alert today, but we had some issues early on with his blood pressure.
He had the shakes and for the first time since getting admitted to the hospital, he asked for a blanket. It was a difficult morning, but he seemed to get more stable in the latter part of the afternoon.
He has a low-grade fever, and is back on antibiotics.

He was able to use a makeshift keyboard to spell out some messages (mostly instructions on how to make him more comfortable).
It takes a lot out of him, so we only use this method of communication if he has something urgent he needs to tell us.

He had more anxiety issues today, but we have a pretty good method to calm him down that doesn't involve drugs. We find that adjusting his position in a way that expands his lungs seems to help, and of course, keeping conversation light as his respiratory rate comes down.

While he technically passed both of his breathing tests, he barely did so. The doctors do not yet feel comfortable taking him off the breathing tube, and Torrey admitted that he didn't feel ready, so we'll hold off a few days. They will administer this test each day, so hopefully we see progress.

We had a very discouraging conversation with the liver specialist today about transplant options. I'd rather not go into too much detail about it right now, but basically they aren't being as helpful or supportive as we'd like.

As we close in on the end of week four, please continue to pray for Torrey's liver to show signs of life and recovery. His spirits are high, and he seems stronger each day despite his condition.

He has already turned one corner (waking up), so now we just need to turn a couple more to get to stability.

Have a great weekend all,

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