Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Liver Update

Torrey was much more alert today.
He apparently slept well last night, at least by ICU standards which is pretty low.
The 'gurney' chair definitely took a lot out of him.
He was in it again this morning, so by the time I arrived to visit, he was pretty tired, but alert enough to where we could carry on our version of a conversation.

They've been able to start the 'weaning' process again for his breathing tube. They make adjustments to the settings that make him more independent.
The only thing keeping us from a tracheostomy now is his blood pressure.
They aren't weaning him off of the Levofed (the BP meds) as much as they'd like.
His pressure seems to drop so quickly at odd times - sometimes due to dialysis and other times just due to him falling asleep.

If they are able to safely wean him from his breathing tube, though, he may be able to simply breathe on his own.

His liver still doesn't seem to be exhibiting any signs of recovery. This doesn't mean it won't - it just means that the doctors are starting to get really concerned as to whether it will ever start the rejuvenation process. We still have faith that it will, but they are starting to come to the conclusion that he needs a transplant. Unfortunately, he cannot get on a list until he is free of infection, and much more stable.

So, as Torrey shows signs of getting stronger, we just need to pray that his body follows suit.



Amy said...

Monica, thank you so much for keeping this blog updated (I wish I had done this). Torrey seems to be making such wonderful progress and I'm just so thrilled for you guys! I'm sure it feels like 2-steps-forward-1-step-back, but he's getting there :) As always, we're praying for you all. {hugs}

Rosa said...

Monica & family, We are all praying for you, Torrey and Thalia. I'm glad to know more info on Torrey's progress. Stay strong are always in our hearts. LOve
the Altamirano Family
Muchos Besitos